Jaw and Ear Pain After Temporary Crown: Causes and Solutions

Jaw and Ear Pain After Temporary Crown: Causes and Solutions

Blog Article

At Simply Wellness Dental, we prioritize patient comfort and successful outcomes. Temporary crowns are a crucial step in dental restoration, but unexpected pain can arise. In this article, we'll explore the causes and solutions for jaw and ear pain after temporary crown placement.
Possible Causes of Jaw and Ear Pain
1. Incorrect Bite Alignment: Misaligned temporary crown.
2. Cement Irritation: Allergic or sensitivity reactions.
3. Tooth Sensitivity: Underlying tooth issues.
4. Gum Inflammation: Irritation or infection.
5. Nerve Compression: Pressure on surrounding nerves.
Temporary Crown-Related Issues
1. Ill-Fitting Crown: Loose or tight crown.
2. Crown Height: Incorrect occlusal height.
3. Material Reaction: Allergic or sensitivity reactions.
Referring Pain Patterns
1. Ear Pain: Radiating pain from jaw or temple.
2. Jaw Pain: Pain or tenderness in the TMJ.
3. Facial Pain: Pain or discomfort in surrounding areas.
Resolving Jaw and Ear Pain
1. Adjust the Crown: Refine the fit or bite.
2. Replace the Crown: New temporary or permanent crown.
3. Pain Management: Medication or alternative therapies.
4. TMJ Treatment: Address underlying joint issues.
5. Follow-Up Care: Monitor healing progress.
Preventing Future Issues
1. Regular Check-Ups: Monitor temporary crown health.
2. Proper Oral Hygiene: Maintain good oral habits.
3. Avoid Grinding and Clenching: Wear a mouthguard.
4. High-Quality Materials: Ensure durable crown construction.
Why Choose Simply Wellness Dental?
1. Experienced dentist
2. State-of-the-art technology
3. Personalized care
4. Competitive pricing
Jaw and ear pain after temporary crown placement can be resolved. Identifying the underlying cause and addressing it promptly ensures optimal oral health.
Additional Resources:
- American Dental Association (ADA) Temporary Crown Information
- Simply Wellness Dental Temporary Crown FAQ
- Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry: Temporary Crown Study
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Schedule your appointment today: (604) 526-2828 or [email protected]

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